Which type of transaction cannot be stored in blocks on a blockchain

Blockchain technology is a decentralized system that allows for secure and transparent transactions without the need for intermediaries. It has gained immense popularity in recent years due to its potential for disrupting traditional financial systems.

However, there are certain types of transactions that cannot be stored in blocks on a blockchain. In this article, we will explore these limitations and their implications on blockchain adoption.

What is a Blockchain?

A blockchain is a distributed ledger system that records transactions in a secure and transparent manner. It consists of a series of interconnected blocks that contain a record of all the transactions ever conducted on the network. Each block contains a cryptographic hash, which links it to the previous block in the chain, ensuring that no data can be altered without invalidating the entire chain.

Transaction Types That Cannot Be Stored in Blocks

Despite its potential for transparency and security, there are certain types of transactions that cannot be stored in blocks on a blockchain. These include:

1. Private Transactions

Private transactions refer to any transaction that is conducted outside of the public view. While these transactions can still be secure and transparent through other means, they cannot be recorded on a blockchain because they are not publicly visible. This limits the potential for auditability and transparency.

2. Micropayments

Micropayments refer to small payments made for goods or services. While micropayments can still be processed on a blockchain, their high volume can make it difficult to process them in real-time. This is because each transaction must be verified and recorded on the blockchain, which can take time and resources.

3. Anonymous Transactions

Anonymous transactions refer to any transaction made without revealing the identity of the buyer or seller. While these transactions can still be secure and private, they cannot be recorded on a blockchain because they do not have an identifiable participant. This limits the potential for transparency and auditability.

Blockchain technology is a decentralized system that allows for secure and transparent transactions without the need for intermediaries. It has gained immense popularity in recent years due to its potential for disrupting traditional financial systems.

4. Off-Chain Transactions

Off-chain transactions refer to any transaction that takes place outside of the blockchain network. While these transactions can still be secure and private, they cannot be recorded on a blockchain because they do not occur on the blockchain itself. This limits the potential for transparency and auditability.

Implications of Limitations on Blockchain Adoption

The limitations of certain types of transactions being stored in blocks on a blockchain have significant implications for blockchain adoption. These include:

1. Increased Complexity

Limitations on transaction types can increase the complexity of using a blockchain network. For example, private transactions require additional measures to ensure that they are secure and transparent, while off-chain transactions require additional infrastructure to be integrated into the blockchain network.

2. Higher Transaction Fees

Limitations on transaction types can also lead to higher transaction fees. For example, micropayments may require more resources to process, resulting in higher fees per transaction.

3. Reduced Scalability

Limitations on transaction types can reduce the scalability of a blockchain network. For example, private transactions and off-chain transactions can be processed outside of the blockchain network, reducing the overall load on the network.

Case Study: BitPesa in Kenya

BitPesa is a cryptocurrency exchange that operates in Kenya. It allows users to buy and sell Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies using local currency (Kenyan Shilling). BitPesa has faced challenges in storing certain types of transactions on its blockchain due to the limitations discussed above.

1. Private Transactions

BitPesa allows for private transactions through its mobile app, which does not record all transactions publicly on the blockchain. This enables users to keep their trading activities private, but it also limits the potential for auditability and transparency.

2. Micropayments

BitPesa has faced challenges processing micropayments due to the high volume of small transactions. The network has had to implement measures such as batching multiple transactions into a single block, which can slow down the verification process and increase transaction fees.

3. Off-Chain Transactions

BitPesa has also faced challenges with off-chain transactions due to its focus on mobile commerce. Some transactions are conducted through mobile payments, which occur outside of the blockchain network. These transactions are not recorded on the blockchain, limiting their potential for transparency and auditability.

Expert Opinion: Andreas Antonopoulos

Andreas Antonopoulos is a leading expert in blockchain technology and has written extensively on its potential for disrupting traditional financial systems. When asked about the limitations of certain types of transactions being stored in blocks on a blockchain, he had this to say:

“Blockchain technology has immense potential for transparency and security, but it is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Certain transaction types cannot be stored on a blockchain due to their private or off-chain nature. It is important for businesses and individuals to understand these limitations when implementing blockchain technology.”

Real-Life Examples of Limitations on Blockchain Adoption

Payment Processing:

In the world of payment processing, blockchain technology has the potential to disrupt traditional financial systems such as banks and credit card companies. However, micropayments can be difficult to process in real-time due to their high volume, leading to slower transaction times and higher fees.

Voting Systems:

Blockchain technology has been explored as a potential solution for secure and transparent voting systems. However, private voting systems may be difficult to implement on a blockchain due to their limited transparency and auditability. Additionally, off-chain transactions such as voter registration and ballot casting could limit the security and transparency of the system.

Supply Chain Management:

Blockchain technology has been explored for supply chain management, allowing for increased transparency and accountability in the production and distribution of goods. However, private transactions such as supplier-to-supplier payments may be difficult to record on a blockchain due to their limited transparency.


1. What is a blockchain?

A blockchain is a distributed ledger system that records transactions in a secure and transparent manner. It consists of a series of interconnected blocks that contain a record of all the transactions ever conducted on the network. Each block contains a cryptographic hash, which links it to the previous block in the chain, ensuring that no data can be altered without invalidating the entire chain.

2. What are some limitations of certain types of transactions being stored in blocks on a blockchain?

The limitations include increased complexity, higher transaction fees, and reduced scalability.

3. How do these limitations impact blockchain adoption?

The limitations can make it more difficult for businesses and individuals to implement blockchain technology in certain situations.

4. Can you give some real-life examples of limitations on blockchain adoption?

Yes, payment processing, voting systems, and supply chain management are all examples where certain types of transactions may be difficult to store on a blockchain due to their private or off-chain nature.

5. What is the expert opinion on these limitations?

Andreas Antonopoulos, a leading expert in blockchain technology, believes that it is important for businesses and individuals to understand these limitations when implementing blockchain technology.


Blockchain technology has the potential to revolutionize various industries, but it is not without its limitations. Understanding these limitations is crucial for businesses and individuals looking to implement blockchain technology in their operations.